Write For Us

We always appreciate new writers coming forward and creating engaging content for our website. Therefore, if you believe you have got what it takes to write guest posts for us, then here are some guidelines that we expect you to follow:

  • We only accept 100% original content. Furthermore, we actively fight against plagiarised content.
  • An attractive title is what motivates people to read our articles. Therefore, keep it interesting, crisp, and within 60 words.
  • Each article that you write should have a minimum of 1000 words. More is always appreciated. 
  • For the sake of simplicity and understandability, use H2 and H3 subheadings. 
  • If you think you have talent, make sure your correct use of grammar reflects that. 
  • Use a no-follow tag when addressing the author’s website. Contact us if you want it the other way. 
  • A brief bio about yourself, around 50 words, should be a great addition. 
  • Use royalty-free images to make your article more engaging. 
  • Use bullet points, tables, and smart art whenever and wherever possible. 
  • No links should point toward gambling and adult websites. 

After you send in your article, it will be published at the discretion of our editorial team. They will check thoroughly to check whether you have abided by the above rules. 

If you want to get in touch with us regarding any queries, our contact form is here.  You can also send a mail to webmaster@redhatmedia.com